dk pre naxx tanking gear

Death Knight Cataclysm (85) Tanking Guide.
Looking at the available gear choices in the 346-359 iLvl range I find myself You will severely gimp your threat and there really is no goo reason to dw as tank
The facts on DK tanking. Padawan tanks are welcome. Includes cookie-cutter specs.

Suno's Fireside Chat - DK Endgame Tanking. DK solo naxxramas 25: four horseman. You Yank It, You Tank it: Blog of a.
Pre-Raid DK Tank Gear - Elitist Jerks
I have tried to come up with a list of the best pre-raid DK tank gear, the base of it was stolen from World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> DK
Tanking Dual Wield Blood DK - TankSpot.
dk pre naxx tanking gear
dk pre naxx tanking gear
Tanking Dual Wield Blood DK - TankSpot.
Congratulations Death Knight tanks! Your tanking guide is now being handled by the very capable GravityDK. Grav will be taking over this role in the
Death Knight Cataclysm (85) Tanking Guide. .